About the 问答专区(Q&A) category

(Replace this first paragraph with a brief description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters.)

Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, or to establish category guidelines or rules:

  • Why should people use this category? What is it for?

  • How exactly is this different than the other categories we already have?

  • What should topics in this category generally contain?

  • Do we need this category? Can we merge with another category, or subcategory?

I have supplied YFI on Fortube Bank V2, this is my transaction hash 0xa19a68a118fc721aade9dd5306e95b2153f7f5b043d0020e9e64cd62893ea93c. Now there is no withdraw option in the latest ForTube site.Please help me to withdraw this and also may be others are facing same issues. If you can create this option that will be great.
Best regards,
Johnson Joseph